Thursday, September 9, 2010

Berry Garden Festival

This weekend our local garden festival is on. The usually quiet back streets are full of cars and buses and people meandering from garden to garden. The weather has been unseasonably cold and windy, but all the rain has made the lawns and rolling hills behind the most vibrant shade of emerald green.

If you can imagine, Berry is a small, historic town just a few kilometres from the coast, nestled under a small mountain range. It is surrounded by dairy farms and unlike many parts of Australia, is constantly green.

The soil is mostly pretty good, and there are many stunning gardens - both in small town blocks and on rambling rural acreage. One of the stand-outs this year is the garden of our friends L & D who live in one of the grandest old houses in town, The Manse. D's surgical skills have been applied to creating the most perfect hedges I have ever seen.

Their garden, like the house, is elegant and formal as befits a former Victorian church manse. To me, the best domestic gardens respond to the architecture with a hint of the personalities of the owners as well.

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